Tans leather hides for profit with minimal requirements, capable of making over 500k+/hr on a Level 3!
All Leathers
This script supports all available leather types.
[Leather, Hard Leather, Snakeskin, Green dragon leather, Blue dragon leather, Red dragon leather, Black dragon leather]
Energy Restoration Potions
This script supports all reasonable energy restoration potions to allow for greater gp/hr.
[Energy, Super energy & Stamina]
Advanced Antiban
This script features an advanced antiban system based around player generated preferences, preventing any two accounts from playing the same and designed to avoid Jagex's heuristic detection system.
Smart Banking
A smart banking system with various randomised withdrawal / deposit methods randomly selected for each account. This will soon include "smart" hovering / pre-empting of withdrawals / deposits.
Easy to use UI
An easy to use user interface to allow for easy selection of your desired tasks.
Quick start support
Argument based support allows you to easily use the bulk client starter and run multiple accounts with one click. Just type your saved profile name into the argument box.