The most comprehensive 1 to 99 Prayer training solution for TRiBot.
Supports Multiple Training Methods:
Gilded Altar with House Party World Hosts
Wilderness Chaos Temple
Advanced Anti-PK protection
Supports both Zamorak Wine and Chaos Fanatic wilderness exit strategies
Ensouled Heads at the Dark Altar (requires A Kingdom Divided)
Custom or fully automatic gearing for quick and easy setup
Combat Prayer, Combat Potion, and Special Attack Weapon support
Offering Ashes via the Demonic Offering Spell (requires A Kingdom Divided)
Burying Bones at the Bank
Comprehensive Item Support:
Works with all types of Bones, Ashes, and Ensouled Heads.
Customisable Playstyle:
Tailor the script to your preferences, whether you want efficient gameplay or a more AFK-friendly experience.
Smart Restocking:
Automatically uses the Grand Exchange to buy only what’s needed to reach your target level.
Automatic Muling and Membership Management:
Ensures seamless gameplay with minimal interruptions.
Advanced Antiban Technology:
Benefit from ARKScripts' unique anti-profiling system. Every account runs with distinct behaviours and decisions, making your gameplay more secure. With a wide range of antiban features, ARKScripts provide unmatched account protection.